Here's our process. It starts with a simple call.
Discovery Call
Our initial 30-60 minute call will establish your aims, your budget and time frame.
We'll develop a proposal with a suggested work plan and quote. Different budget scenerios can be developed on request.
Meeting or Communications Planning
For facilitated sessions, this may include 1:1 calls with participants, or advice on materials made available in advance. Agendas and presentation materials are developed in collaboration.
For communications projects, this is where we gather raw data and build a communications plan.
Facilitation or Content Development
For facilitated sessions, whether it's a 2-hour board retreat or 2-hour member engagement, whether it's brainstorming or decision-making, we create safe, fun spaces where you accomplish your aims.
For communications projects, we interview folks and write like wizards to develop materials. We work closely with event planners, external designers, and other stakeholder in this phase to get the message right.
For facilitated sessions, we report our findings based on the project scope. It could be a short report or long, in narrative or presentation form, you decide what you, your team, your audience needs to help you move forward with your sessions' decisions. These are always succinctly summarized and contain clear recommendations for next steps.
For communication projects, usually this phase includes debriefs and any other wrap up.